Where do random aches & pains come from?

Have you ever experienced random aches and pains when you wake up in the morning?

You went to bed feeling fine, and suddenly, BAM!—another reminder you’re not getting any younger.

Where on earth did that new ache or pain come from?

random aches and pains

Allow me to introduce you to a concept known as “The Threat Bucket.”

The Threat Bucket metaphorically represents how your brain assesses and categorizes all the events in your life, evaluating them based on levels of stress, safety, and survival.

Many people perceive stress as something emotionally or mentally upsetting, but stressors aren’t inherently good or bad.

Stressors aren’t limited to only emotional triggers; they can also encompass physiological needs such as sleep, connection, hydration, and even the effects of gravity.

While some stressors may exhaust us, others can actually make us stronger.

Safety threats and random aches and pains

The key lies in how you perceive and evaluate the stressor, as well as how effectively you can cope with the demands it presents, drawing upon your acquired skills and resources.

Without the capacity to effectively manage the stressor, your brain perceives the experience as a threat, leading to an accumulation of stress known as allostatic load.

In our Threat Bucket metaphor, allostatic load is akin to a bucket you carry filled with all the stressors life throws your way.

It’s the wear and tear that accumulates over time as your body and mind continuously adapt to cope with stress.

Imagine the bucket getting heavier as it fills up over time—the more threats you endure, the heavier the toll it takes on your health.

Eventually, the bucket will fill up enough to spill over; this often manifests as physical pain and performance issues.

So, managing stress isn’t just about handling individual challenges; it’s about preventing your threat bucket from weighing you down too much, causing trouble along the way.

As a neuromuscular therapist, people seek my assistance to alleviate their muscle and joint discomforts and enhance their performance.

Getting rid of random aches and pains

A fundamental principle in successful neuromuscular rehabilitation is grasping the concept of the threat bucket and ensuring a thorough comprehension of the contents within your individual bucket.

Some items in your bucket may be challenging or even impossible to remove, while others will be effortlessly manageable once identified.

The key is to mitigate those perceived threats as much as possible to halt the spillover and, ultimately, prevent it from rising too high again in the future.

Remember: stressors aren’t inherently good or bad, but your brain will categorize them based off of the appraisal on how well you can meet the demands, utilizing your skills and resources.

Feel and function better

Once your threat bucket has been lightened by removing some of its burdens, body pains decrease and performance improves.

You feel stronger and more confident, better prepared to tackle challenges ahead of you.

Are you feeling disheartened by the physical discomforts and limitations you’re facing?

Do you feel like you’ve exhausted every avenue, yet relief remains elusive despite following advice for muscle and joint discomfort?

Have you attributed it to age or genetics, resigned to accepting your fate?

Perhaps it’s time to evaluate your threat bucket.

While it takes time and effort, delving into the contents of your metaphorical bucket and adopting effective functional neurology principles can work wonders for the musculoskeletal challenges you’re encountering.

Assessing the threat bucket to uncover the intricate connections within your own backstory isn’t yet common practice among healthcare, massage, and movement professionals.

Those of us prioritizing a nervous system first approach to musculoskeletal issues are still relatively rare, but awareness is growing regarding the body’s accumulation of stressors over time.

If you’ve been grappling with a muscle or joint issue for an extended period, particularly in the absence of acute tissue trauma, collaborating together might be the key to overcoming the frustrations and limitations you’ve been experiencing.

Schedule an initial session, and let’s explore your threat bucket to restore your confidence in your body’s remarkable capabilities.

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