I've been where you are

I know what it’s like to experience nagging discomfort from past injuries that never fully healed. Additionally, I’ve personally felt the frustrating physical repercussions of prolonged exposure to stress.


Caring for your body shouldn't be challenging.

In today’s fast-paced, stressed-out world, it’s harder than ever to prioritize caring for your body.

But feeling great is essential to perform at your best and fully engage in life with strength and confidence.

It’s easy to be stuck in a cycle of temporary relief and constant frustration, not knowing what to do to care for your body.

Too often, people get caught in a therapy loop where true recovery seems distant.

Imagine how life could improve by discovering the exact self-care strategies to reach your health goals — and letting go of what isn’t working.

Values i practice by


Collaboration & curiosity

Since no two people are alike, no two sessions will be identical. Each individual will be approached based on their unique presentation of symptoms, existing skills, and personal preferences when it comes to self-care strategies.


Obsessed about solutions

Therapeutic approaches frequently adopt a wait-and-see attitude, leaving uncertainty about whether strategies are effective and if improvements are being made. While patience is crucial, having real-time data is essential for assessing the efficacy of solutions.


Constantly improving

Every client serves as the ultimate teacher, leading me in directions that continually enhance my understanding and assistance in their healing journey. Despite 25 years as a massage and movement therapist, there remains much to learn. I am committed to constantly expanding my ability to perceive the interconnectedness of it all.

Specializing in Neuromuscular rehab since 1999

With decades of proven experience, I'm prepared to help you achieve your health and movement goals

as a professional

I am continuously enhancing my therapeutic toolkit. I hold licenses as a massage therapist and certifications as a corrective exercise specialist and health coach, with a focus on stress management, sleep optimization, and recovery strategies.

As a human

Much of what I concentrate on in a therapeutic capacity originated from my own journey to recover from injury and health challenges. Having experienced it firsthand, I truly understand the feelings of overwhelm. I, too, want to live well in a stressed-out world!

client success stories

Dan S

IT + Guitar Shredder

I was dealing with “trigger finger” symptoms, which can be quite disruptive. I received some relief from steroid injections, but they tend to have diminishing returns over time. Surgery was mentioned by the hand doctor. Fortunately, I sought out and found solid solutions working with Nina on the matter.  No drugs.  No surgery.  No more trigger finger symptoms.

Peter G.

IT Guy + Avid cyclist

I recently had major shoulder surgery and saw Nina as a supplement to post-op physical therapy. Her knowledge on the subject was amazing. She really helped speed up my recovery. My post-op range of motion challenges greatly improved, & we easily overcame performance obstacles which far surpassed my expectations with only a few minutes of gentle work.

Dawn W.

Self-Defense Instructor + Author

I saw Nina for shoulder pain, and after describing what I felt, she evaluated my arm physically, as well as with targeted movements. Her attention made me feel heard & cared about. Based on the information collected, Nina found a very precise spot which decreased the shoulder pain significantly, as well as immediately improved my pain-free range of motion.


Is It Time To Feel Better In Your Body?

You’ve struggled long enough with pain and stiffness.

Feeling better is possible.

 If you’re tired of pushing through pain, constantly feeling tense, or battling fatigue, Restorative Movement Therapy could be your solution.

Enjoy moving freely again and enjoy life without pain holding you back. Let’s get you back to feeling your best.