Unexpected Foot Pain Relief – What My Foot Had in Common with My Clogged Kitchen Sink

Life has its aches and pains, and when it comes to foot pain, it’s just impossible to ignore.

This is precisely where I found myself not too long ago.

As a restorative movement therapist, I’m well aware that even I’m not exempt from the arduous journey of healing my own body.

Just like you, I encounter aches and performance hurdles that hinder me from fully embracing all the activities I aspire to engage in.

What I steadfastly endeavor to avoid is sidelining myself, watching life surge forward while I sit on the bench, missing out on opportunities, sinking beneath the weight of regret.

Now in my mid-40s, perimenopause has thrown my body for a loop. Weight gain, chronic stress, sugar cravings, and persistent aches and pains are the unwelcome guests at this stage of life.

I’ve accepted that my 20s are behind me and that taking better care of my body is essential for navigating the world.

I began by cleaning up my nutrition, improving my sleep hygiene, and committing to more consistent movement.

However, my body vehemently resisted my attempts to exercise.

Walking, a basic human movement, became a painful ordeal.

The discomfort was downright painful. It felt like my foot and ankle were protesting every step. No matter how much I stretched or massaged my leg, the tension remained.

My history includes numerous ankle sprains from my previous life as a classically trained dancer

These old injuries are affecting me now.

Along with the tight calf muscles, I experienced ankle pain, swelling, and stiffness, making it difficult to navigate stairs.

Amidst these trials, my kitchen sink decided to throw a fit, providing an interesting illustration on how the human body is “all connected”.

I embarked on a determined DIY mission to tackle the problem. I tried various grease-busting solutions, hoping for a quick fix. When that didn’t do the trick, I rolled up my sleeves and disassembled all the tubes lurking beneath the sink. Armed with knowledge gleaned from YouTube tutorials and tools from my garage, I gave it my best shot. While there was a slight improvement, my sink remained stubbornly clogged, pushing my DIY expertise to its limits.

In the end, I had to concede and call in the professionals.

The solution to the drainage problem entailed sending a pipe snake through the entire plumbing system of my house. To my surprise, the root of the clog was nowhere near the kitchen sink.

It lurked several feet away, far from where the issue initially appeared to be.

Though the dishes eventually got done, despite my best efforts, the persistent discomfort while walking continued to be a thorn in my side.

Fast forward a few weeks

I attended a continuing education class focusing on visceral manipulation by French Osteopathic physician, Jean Pierre Barral. This approach considers the body as a whole, understanding that no system works in isolation.

In the world of neuro-based studies, the nervous system plays a crucial role in the human experience. It serves as a protective mechanism, which means every ache and pain has a purpose.

So, I asked myself, “What is my body protecting me from?”

This is where my work becomes exhilarating and intriguing!

As a massage and movement professional, I help people with musculoskeletal pain and performance issues. We can’t focus solely on the area of pain; we must consider the interconnectedness of the body.

Instead, we must take a thoughtful and comprehensive step back to consider the intricate interplay of all your body’s systems possibly contributing to your unique situation. Who are the key players in this scenario?

Methods exist to thoroughly assess your unique presentation as a whole.

This is where the transformative process takes place.

Returning to my experience attending the visceral manipulation course, I gained insight into evaluating and restoring organ mobility.

The seamless coordination of our organs during physical activities is vital. When this disruption occurs, the musculoskeletal system intervenes to protect these vital structures.

My organ mobility is receiving a lot of attention, and I’m delighted to share my ankle stiffness, heel pain, calf muscle issues, and swelling are all dissipating.

no foot pain with walking

By addressing abdominal tension, we improved lower extremity drainage, reducing discomfort and enhancing foot and ankle performance.

Like my clogged kitchen drain, the root issue was distant from the initial symptoms.

I am absolutely thrilled with the remarkable results I personally achieve, and it’s equally exhilarating to introduce my clients to this perspective regarding their own pain and performance challenges.

This extra layer expedites improvement, with longer lasting results.

The transformations in our sessions are profound, empowering individuals to engage more fully in activities, boosting confidence and expanding capabilities.

It’s nothing short of extraordinary to witness these positive changes!

If you’re ready to experience this transformation for yourself or eager to learn more about how it can benefit you, reach out today.

Your journey to improved well-being and performance awaits.

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