How Movement Completes the Stress Cycle for Better Health

Movement and exercise helps with stress management

By now, most of us have heard—and on some level, we know—that managing stress is key to feeling and functioning at our best. If we want to feel strong and healthy, we have to take action. Wellness isn’t something that just happens; it’s a proactive process. The problem is, stress can be tricky and often […]

How Breath Can Break the Stress Cycle

Breathing for stress management and tension relief

We live in a world that’s more stressed out than ever. Between the never-ending news cycle, constant access to (sometimes questionable) information, and a culture that feels more divided by the day, it’s easy to see why so many people feel overwhelmed and stretched thin. Everywhere you turn, it seems like people are on edge, […]

Understanding Stress and How to Manage It

manage stress

“You should manage your stress better.” How many times have we heard that oh-so-helpful nugget of wisdom from a doctor, a friend, or even in random articles online? And after that insightful tip, what happens next? We’re shuffled out the door or left staring at our phones, wondering, “Okay, but how?” We all know we […]

Why Your Muscle Aches and Pains Keep Moving Around (And What to Do About It)

chronic pain and muscle tension is frustrating and disruptive.

Ever feel like your body is playing a game of tag with pain? One day it’s your knee, the next it’s your lower back, and soon after, something else starts acting up. These mysterious muscles aches and pains that seem to migrate from one part of your body to another are not only frustrating—they’re puzzling. […]

Where do random aches & pains come from?

random aches and pains

Have you ever experienced random aches and pains when you wake up in the morning? You went to bed feeling fine, and suddenly, BAM!—another reminder you’re not getting any younger. Where on earth did that new ache or pain come from? Allow me to introduce you to a concept known as “The Threat Bucket.” The […]